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Faux Plants vs. Real Greenery: The Great Decorative Dilemma

Plants instantly attract the eye, calm the soul, and bring a peacefulness to any room.

Petria @cocoroseinteriors

The trend of having houseplants as part of home decor is currently very popular. Social media is filled with photos of beautiful greenery. If you love the look of indoor plants but struggle to keep them alive, you may be considering using artificial plants instead. However, is it truly better to choose fake plants for indoor decoration over real ones? In this blog, our London luxury interior designers will discuss the pros and cons to see how real plants compare to artificial ones so that you can discover which one works best for you.

Faux Plants vs. Real Greenery Comparison

Questions to ask yourself

There are numerous benefits and drawbacks to the argument between artificial and real plants. While some advantages and disadvantages of artificial or real plants might not matter as much to you, others might. Choose the qualities of plants that are most important to you before weighing the benefits of artificial versus real plants. You’ll be able to make better decisions because of this.

Consider asking yourself the following questions before deciding whether to go for natural or fake plants for indoor use:

1. Are you looking for a specific level of maintenance?

If you don’t travel frequently, you still must decide between a low-maintenance plant and one that requires more care. Some people enjoy nurturing high-maintenance plants and watching them grow, while others prefer to simply place a beautiful plant on the table and forget about it for a while. It’s important to note that both real and fake plants can require varying levels of maintenance, so it’s crucial to assess how much time you can realistically devote to plant care before making a purchase.

2. What sunlight availability do you have?

Artificial plants are versatile and can be placed in almost any location, unlike natural plants that require specific light conditions to thrive. In low-light areas, artificial plants can offer greenery without the need for additional lighting.

3. Are you planning to move your plants around frequently?

Special attention may be needed when handling live plants to avoid causing any damage, whereas synthetic plants can be effortlessly repositioned or reorganised.

4. How tight is your budget?

Artificial plants are a cost-effective alternative to natural plants, especially when you factor in the ongoing maintenance expenses. However, you should weigh your budget against your desired level of authenticity, as some top-tier artificial plants can be pricey.

5. Do you have pets?

Pets can sometimes be curious about real plants and may enjoy chewing on their leaves or playing with the soil in the pot. When selecting a houseplant, it is important to consider how playful your pet tends to be. It is also advisable to keep houseplants out of reach of young children.

6. How long do you plan to have the plants for?

Artificial plants can offer long-lasting benefits as a form of investment and can provide years of satisfaction. Conversely, natural plants may lose their appeal or wither over time if not cared for properly.

Decorative Dilemma: Faux Plants or Real Greenery

Once you have determined which plant traits align with your preferences and lifestyle, you can begin assessing the benefits and downsides of using real versus artificial plants in your home decor. The following are the primary advantages and disadvantages of incorporating real or fake plants into your interior design.

Pros of Faux Plants

Artificial plants are admirable, especially when styled, shaped, and placed in your apartment. The pros of faux plants include:

1. Low Maintenance

Artificial plants require low maintenance as they are highly resilient and demand very little upkeep. They don’t wither, sag, or perish because of insufficient water, sunlight, or nutrients. For individuals with hectic schedules or restricted time to tend to plants, this makes them an ideal low-maintenance option. Also, faux plants maintain their vibrant appearance year-round, regardless of seasonal changes. Unlike real plants, they don’t lose leaves, change colour, or require seasonal maintenance to look their best.

2. Variety

Faux plants offer a wide range of options when it comes to colours, styles, and sizes. This allows you to create customised and unique arrangements that complement your interior design choices. You can effortlessly combine different faux plants to establish a visually attractive and harmonious atmosphere in either your house or workplace.

3. Practical Benefits

Faux plants are a safe option that poses no harm to pets, children, or those with allergies as they are non-toxic. With fake plants, you don’t have to worry about accidental ingestion or allergic reactions that are commonly associated with real plants. They are a great way to eliminate the risks that come with having live plants. Also, faux plants offer a lot of flexibility in terms of placement and can be put in almost any location, even those with difficult lighting or extreme temperatures. They can adjust to a variety of environments without the danger of withering or dying.

Cons of Faux Plants

Cons of Faux Plants

Faux plants, like everything else, do have some drawbacks. Buyers should know what to expect when purchasing artificial foliage online, both positive and negative. Here is a list of the cons of faux plants:

1. Can seem less authentic

Although faux plants have become more realistic with time, they may still lack the natural feel, subtle texture, and dynamic movement of real plants. Some people may perceive them as less authentic or environmentally friendly due to the absence of natural fragrance.

2. They can be less environmentally friendly

Unlike real plants which enhance the quality of the air inside buildings by releasing oxygen and eliminating toxins, faux plants lack these benefits, they also require regular dusting to prevent dirt build-up.

3. Potential for poor manufacturing

Some artificial plants may be poorly manufactured, with obvious seams, phoney colours, or strange textures. Before making a purchase, thoroughly inspect the plant to ensure that it meets your expectations.

Pros of using real greenery within an interior

Pros of using real greenery within an interior

Natural plants add beauty, and air-purifying benefits and improve your connection to nature. The pros of decorating your space with real greenery include:

1. Improves air quality:

Natural plants naturally absorb formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from indoor air. This can help reduce allergy symptoms and improve respiratory health.

2. Have well-being benefits

Greenery has been shown in studies to improve memory, focus, and general cognitive function. Plants can also create a tranquil and peaceful environment that promotes rest and stress relief. They have also been shown to reduce blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and increase feelings of satisfaction and happiness. Being surrounded by greenery can help you think more positively and optimistically.

3. Brings a connection to nature

Real greenery adds natural beauty and vibrancy to any interior space, giving it a sense of freshness and connection to the outdoors. Furthermore, by breaking up large, empty spaces, it can help create visual interest in corners and shelves.

Cons of using real greenery within an interior

Cons of using real greenery within an interior

Decorating your space with real greenery can have some downsides. Here is a list of the cons of using real plants:

1. High maintenance

Real plants require routine watering, fertilisation, and pest control to stay healthy and flourishing, without proper care, their leaves can become damaged, and they can lose their aesthetic value. This can take a long time and may necessitate the use of specialised skills or equipment.

2. Not always the most practical

Certain plants have light and temperature requirements, which may limit where they can be placed in the house. Furthermore, due to their sensitivity to drafts and extreme temperatures, certain areas are not suitable for plants. Also, real plants have a finite lifespan, and some species may only live for a few years. This can necessitate the replacement or re-potting of plants regularly, which can be an additional expense and time commitment.

3. Some may cause allergies

Certain plant materials, such as mould spores or pollen, may cause allergies or sensitivities in some people. As a result, it may be difficult to keep live plants in the house without experiencing discomfort or provoking allergies.

Faux Plants vs. Real Greenery

In conclusion, real houseplants, with all their air-purifying benefits, are better for us both mentally and physically. Furthermore, if you have the necessary time, patience, and abilities, it will allow you to reap the benefits of nature. On the other hand, faux plants offer the benefit of being long-lasting, versatile, pet-friendly, and require little maintenance.

Ultimately, the decision to choose between artificial plants and real plants depends on your specific needs. We hope that this article, brought to you by Oraanj Interior Design has helped you assess your requirements and better understand the pros and cons of both faux plants and real greenery so that you can select the best option for your space.

Author: Anna May (Interior Designer)