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Greener the Better : Enhancing Interior Design with Plants

” Green is the prime colour of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”

Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Green plants are a popular interior design element, and for good reason. In recent years, interior designing services in London this trend had a remarkable shift towards incorporating nature into our living spaces. The use of plants as a central element in interior design has gained immense popularity, not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their numerous health and well-being benefits.

This article explores the concept of “biophilic design,” its science, and how you can enhance your interior design with plants. Whether you want to add a few plants to your home or completely transform your space with greenery, plants can help design a room.

Interior Design with Plants

The Science of Biophilic Design

Biophilic design is the method of connecting people with nature by designing their surroundings. This design concept is rooted in our innate connection with the natural world and our desire to be in environments that mimic nature. Research has shown that incorporating natural elements, such as plants, into interior spaces can have a profound impact on our well-being.

1. Improved Air Quality

The ability of indoor plants to disinfect the air is a well-recognized benefit. Plants use photosynthesis to remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, a practical improvement in air quality. Some plants, such as snakes and peace lilies, are particularly capable of removing common pollutants from the indoor environment, which makes them necessary for a more healthy atmosphere.

2. Reduce Stress & Improve Mood

The presence of plants has been associated with descending stress levels and improved emotional well-being in interior spaces. The calming effect of nature and the colour green can help reduce anxiety and increase overall relaxation. This makes indoor plants an excellent addition to areas where people frequently experience stress, such as offices and living rooms.

3. Increased Productivity

Incorporating plants into your workspace can boost your productivity. Studies have shown that plants in the workplace can lead to a 15% increase in productivity, as well as a reduction in employee absenteeism. The natural elements in the office create a more pleasant and inviting atmosphere, which, in turn, enhances creativity and focus.

4. Variety in Colour & Texture

Green plants offer a wide spectrum of green shades, from deep forest hues to vibrant lime tones. This diverse colour palette makes them a versatile addition to any interior design, enhancing the overall colour scheme. Furthermore, the different textures of plants, whether the glossy leaves of a rubber plant or the delicate fronds of a fern provide a unique textural element that adds depth and interest to a room.

5. Focal Point

 A large, leafy plant can naturally become the focal point of a room, drawing the attention of those entering the space. It infuses life and vibrancy into an area, making it especially valuable in rooms lacking an obvious focal point, such as bedrooms or home offices.

In a cosy living room interior design, a large leafy plant can play a multifaceted role. It not only serves as a focal point but also contributes to the overall ambience, decor, and comfort of the space, making it a valuable addition to rooms where creating a warm and inviting atmosphere is a top priority.

cosy living room interior design with plants

6. Creating Balance

Plants contribute to creating balance within a room by introducing a natural element that counteracts artificial or sterile feelings in the space. This balance is particularly crucial in modern or minimalist designs, which occasionally feel cold or unwelcoming without adding natural elements.

For instance, by incorporating plants into Boho Chic restaurant interiors, designers can achieve balance and harmony in the space. The plants serve as a bridge between the eclectic and warm aspects of Boho Chic style and the natural world, making the restaurant a visually and emotionally appealing place for patrons to enjoy a meal and a unique atmosphere.

7. Height & Dimension

Taller plants can introduce height and dimension to a room. They naturally guide the viewer’s gaze upward, giving the illusion of increased roominess and spaciousness. This characteristic is especially advantageous in smaller rooms where expanding the physical space may not be an option.

Using taller plants in hospitality interior design can have a transformative effect on the look and feel of a space. It not only adds visual interest and dimension but also contributes to the perceived roominess, aesthetics, and overall guest experience. Taller plants are a valuable tool for designers to create inviting, welcoming, and memorable hospitality environments, especially when maximizing physical space is a challenge.

8. Enhance Autustics

Plants serve a dual role in interior design by contributing to the acoustics of a room. The leaves and branches of plants act as natural sound absorbers, effectively dampening sound waves. This feature is particularly valuable in spaces with hard surfaces, such as home theatres or home offices, where sound tends to bounce off walls and create echoes. The inclusion of plants can help mitigate these acoustic issues, making the room feel less cavernous and more acoustically pleasant.

For instance, incorporating plants in a Scandinavian bedroom not only adds aesthetic appeal but also serves a functional purpose by improving acoustics. The combination of natural sound absorption, visual interest, and the enhancement of a cosy, nature-inspired atmosphere makes plants a valuable addition to the design of a Scandinavian-style bedroom, promoting both comfort and style.

9. Provides a natural backdrop

Another advantage of incorporating plants into your interior design is their ability to offer a natural backdrop for other design elements. Plants act as a neutral canvas against which artwork or decorative items can take centre stage. This is especially beneficial in rooms where the intent is to showcase a specific piece of art or furniture. By providing a lush living backdrop, plants complement and enhance the visual impact of other design elements, creating a harmonious and visually appealing setting.

10. Creates a Sense of Harmony

Plants play a significant role in establishing a sense of harmony within a room. They possess the remarkable ability to tie together various design elements, such as colours, textures, and styles, thus making a space feel cohesive and well-balanced. This is especially crucial in rooms with diverse design components, such as living rooms or dining rooms, where different elements need to work in unison to create an inviting and harmonious atmosphere.

Stylish Plant Decor

Choosing Right Plants

Selecting the right plants for your interior space is crucial for creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment. Consider the following factors when choosing your indoor plants:

1. Lighting Conditions

Different plants have varying light requirements. Some thrive in bright, direct sunlight, while others do well in low-light conditions. Be sure to choose plants that are suited to the specific lighting available in your space.

2. Maintenance Level

Not all indoor plants need the same level of care. If you have an engaged lifestyle or lack a green thumb, opt for low-maintenance plants like succulents or the ZZ plant. These varieties are more forgiving and require less attention.

3. Aesthetic Appeal

Consider the overall style and concept of your interior design when selecting plants. Different plants have different textures, shapes, and colours, and they can be used to complement or contrast with your existing decor.

4. Space Availablity

The dimensions of your space will decide the size of the plants you can incorporate. Larger plants, like fiddle leaf figs, can serve as statement pieces, while smaller plants can be used to add subtle touches of greenery.

Leafy Elegance

Creative Plant Arrangements

Once you’ve chosen the right plants, it’s time to get creative with your interior design. Here are some ideas for incorporating plants into your living spaces:

1. Hanging Gardens

Hanging plants in decorative macrame hangers or stylish planters can add a touch of elegance to any room. These are particularly effective for smaller spaces or adding greenery to areas with limited floor space.

2. Vertical Gardens

Vertical gardens, or living walls, are a stunning way to make a statement with your indoor plants. These can be incorporated into your living room, kitchen, or bathroom. Vertical gardens allow you to create a lush, immersive experience within your space.

3. Terrariums

Terrariums are mini-ecosystems enclosed in glass containers. These are perfect for coffee tables, bookshelves, or as a centrepiece on your dining table. You can create your unique terrarium with various plants, stones, and decorative elements.

4. Herb Gardens

Incorporate functionality into your green design by creating an indoor herb garden. Not only do herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary provide a fresh aroma, but they also offer the convenience of having fresh ingredients at your fingertips for cooking.

5. Plant Room Dividers

Use tall, leafy plants to create natural room dividers that separate different areas within a room. This is a practical way to define spaces in an open floor plan while adding a sense of privacy.

Nature-Inspired Design

Caring for Indoor Plants

Maintaining healthy indoor plants requires some basic care and attention. Here are a few essential tips to ensure the longevity of your green companions:

  • Watering : Overwatering is a common mistake. Make sure to water your plants according to their specific needs and monitor the soil’s moisture.
  • Pruning : Regularly trim dead or yellowing leaves to encourage healthy growth and maintain the plant’s appearance.
  • Fertilizing : Most indoor plants benefit from periodic fertilization. Follow the instructions on the specific fertilizer you choose.
  • Cleaning : Dust the leaves of your plants regularly to ensure they can breathe properly and maintain their aesthetic appeal.
  • Repotting : As your plants grow, they may outgrow their containers. Report them as needed to give their roots more space to grow.

Incorporating plants into your interior design is not merely a passing trend; it represents a broader movement towards healthier and more inviting living spaces. The advantages of biophilic design, which encompass improved air quality, stress reduction, and increased productivity, underscore the compelling reasons to introduce indoor plants into your living spaces. By carefully selecting the right plants, arranging them creatively, and tending to their needs, you can effortlessly transform your home into a serene and appealing haven of natural beauty.

In essence, plants contribute to interior design in a multifaceted manner, bringing nature’s charm and vitality indoors while also fulfilling essential roles in enhancing acoustics, offering a natural backdrop for design elements, and establishing an overall sense of harmony. Whether you prioritize practical benefits such as noise reduction or the aesthetic allure of a realistic backdrop, plants prove themselves as versatile and indispensable assets in interior design, capable of elevating a room in diverse and meaningful ways.

At Oraanj Interior Design, we believe in the transformative power of nature. Elevate your space with our guide to greener interiors. Embrace the vitality and beauty of plants for a harmonious, refreshed home.

Author: Jhanvi Patel & Yogita Sawarthia (Interior Designer)