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5 Myths with Working with an Interior Designer

“Design is not just how it look and feel. Design is how it works.”

– Steve Jobs

Interior designers are professionals who can help you create a home that is both beautiful and functional. Interior designers in London are passionate about their work and want to help you create a home that you love. They can work with clients of all budgets and on projects of all sizes. They can be an asset in creating a home that you love.

Affordable Interior Designer

However, there are many myths about working with an interior designer that can prevent people from hiring one. In this article, we will debunk eight of the most common myths about interior designers, including the myth that they are too expensive, that you don’t need one if you have a good contractor.

“Hiring an Interior Designer is too Expensive “

Hiring an interior designer may appear to be costly at first, but it can save you money in the long term. Interior designers have the skills and knowledge to assist you in avoiding costly blunders such as purchasing the incorrect size furniture or selecting materials that do not complement one another. They can also assist you in locating the finest deals on goods and services.

Here are some ways interior designers can help you save money:

  1. Avoid purchasing furniture that is the wrong size. Interior designers understand how to measure your area and select furniture that is the appropriate size and scale. This can save you from having to return or replace mismatched furnishings.
  2. Select materials that are long-lasting and simple to care for. Interior designers can assist you in selecting materials that are suitable for your lifestyle and budget. They can also assist you in avoiding materials that are easily damaged or require extensive upkeep.
  3. Get the greatest prices on goods and services. Because interior designers have ties with vendors and suppliers, they can frequently obtain you better prices on products and services. They can also assist you in bargaining with contractors and other specialists.
  4. Save time and effort. Interior designers can help you save time and money by handling all of the intricacies of your project. They will design the space, find products and materials, and supervise the installation process. This can help you free up time to focus on other things.
  5. Negotiate with contractors. Interior designers can help you negotiate with contractors to get the best possible prices for their services. They can also help you review contracts and make sure that you are getting what you paid for.

Interior designers can help you increase the value of your property while also saving you money. A well-designed property appeals more to potential customers and can command a higher selling price. Their expertise in interior design work ensures that your property is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally efficient, making it a more enticing prospect for potential buyers.

Interior Designer for space Planning

” If I have a good contractor. I don’t need an interior designer. “

While a good contractor can assist you with the physical aspects of house renovation, an interior designer may assist you with the creative aspects, such as selecting finishes, furniture, and accessories. An interior designer may also help you develop a cohesive design plan for your house and ensure that all the aspects work in concert to produce a beautiful and practical place.

Even if you have a skilled contractor, here are some concrete examples of how an interior designer might assist you:

  1. Planning your space. An interior designer can assist you in developing an efficient space plan that matches your requirements and lifestyle. They can also help you maximize your space and make it feel roomier. Interior designers can help you with all aspects of home design, including renovations, redecorating, and even space planning. If you need help figuring out where to start with your project, a designer can be a valuable asset. Professional interior designers are committed to helping you create a space you love, regardless of your budget. They will work with you to find the best deals on furniture and accessories, and they will also help you incorporate your existing pieces into the new design.
  2. Choosing finishes. An interior designer may assist you in selecting the appropriate finishes for your home, such as flooring, worktops, and paint colours. They also help you coordinate the various finishes to create a unified aesthetic.
  3. Furniture and accessories selection. An interior designer may assist you in selecting furniture and accessories that are the appropriate size, style, and scale for your space. They can also help you locate unique products that suit your distinctive style.
  4. Developing a unified design strategy. An interior designer can help you in creating a suitable design plan for your home. This includes deciding on a colour scheme, style, and overall tone for your room.

If you are still determining whether you require the services of an interior designer, it is always a good idea to consult with one to obtain their professional advice. They can assist you in assessing your needs and determining whether their services suit you. It is safe to reach an interior designer to learn more about their services and how they can help you. This means you don’t have to feel obligated to hire an interior designer if they are not a good fit for your project.

Budgeted interior desiging

” Interior Designers are only available to the wealthy. “

Many people believe that interior designers are reserved for the wealthy. However, interior designers work with clients of all income levels. They can assist you in finding cost-effective strategies to create a beautiful house.

Here are some budget-friendly recommendations for working with an interior designer:

  1. Before you begin working with a designer, establish a budget. This will assist the designer in understanding your requirements and working with you to identify solutions that are within your budget.
  2. Be adaptable in your design concepts. If you have a specific design in mind, be receptive to the designer’s suggestions for cost-effective ways to achieve it. For example, the designer may recommend utilizing less expensive materials or purchasing used furniture.
  3. Try to do part of the job yourself. You can save money by performing some of the work yourself, such as painting, sanding furniture, or installing window treatments, if you are handy.
  4. The designer can assist you in locating the most affordable furniture, accessories, and other materials. They may also have connections with merchants who provide discounts to their customers.
  5. The designer can help you find the most cost-effective furniture, accessories, and other materials. They might also have relationships with merchants who offer discounts to their clients.

” Only large – scale projects are handled by Interior Designers “

Regardless of the size of your project, interior designers can assist you in creating a beautiful and functional place. An interior designer can help you reach your goals whether you’re remodeling a single room, selecting furniture and accessories for a new house, creating a home office space, updating the finishes in a room, or staging your home for sale.

Interior designers have the knowledge and experience to help you make the most of your space while also reflecting your personal style.Whether you’re remodeling a single room or building a new home, an interior designer can be a valuable asset to your project. Interior designers have the knowledge, experience, and skills to help you create a space that is both beautiful and functional. They can also help you save money by avoiding costly mistakes and finding the best deals on materials and services.

They may also assist you in saving money by avoiding costly errors and locating the greatest discounts on items and services. If you’re considering hiring an interior designer, don’t be afraid to contact them for a consultation. Many interior designers provide free consultations so you may learn more about their services and determine whether they are a good fit for your project.

Interior Designer London

” I will have no say in the interior design process.”

Professional interior designers may assist you in creating a beautiful and functional home that reflects your personal style. They collaborate with their clients at every stage of the design process, from the initial concept to the final installation. Assume you’re redesigning your living room with the help of an interior designer. You’ve told the designer about your budget, timetable, and design style. They’ve come up with a design scheme that includes a new sofa, rug, and coffee table. You like the overall concept, but you’re not sure about the sofa’s colour. You should respond quickly to your designer’s communication and provide input. Inform them that you like the overall concept but are unsure about the color of the sofa. Request color choices from them. Colors that you had not previously considered may be suggested by your designer.

In the process of working with interior designers in London or anywhere else, it’s essential to maintain an open and collaborative approach. Don’t hesitate to explore new ideas and ask questions. For example, you could inquire with your designer about several sorts of cloth for the sofa. You might also inquire about other methods to organize your living room furnishings.

If you are considering hiring an interior designer, don’t let these myths stop you!

In debunking myths about working with an interior designer, trust the expertise of Oraanj Interior Design to turn your visions into reality, creating spaces that truly reflect your style and exceed your expectations.

Author: Sanjitha Gunda and Oluwatomi Olaosebikan (Interior Designer)