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Hotel Interior Design

Hotel Interior Design

Creating Welcoming Hotel Lobbies: Interior Design Tips & Trends

“I’ve never seen elegance go out of style.” -Sonia Teclai A luxurious hotel interior design in London represents a lobby the front face in the hospitality business, which welcomes guests from all walks of life. It’s not just a space; it’s a first impression, an ambience, and a hub of activity. The hotel lobby can… Read More »Creating Welcoming Hotel Lobbies: Interior Design Tips & Trends

Types of False Ceiling and Its Applications

” The glass ceiling doesn’t apply when you are building your own house.” – Heidi Roizen False ceilings, also known as suspended or dropped ceilings, are secondary ceilings that are suspended below the primary ceiling. They are a popular design choice for homes, offices, and commercial spaces due to their aesthetic appeal and functionality. False… Read More »Types of False Ceiling and Its Applications